Saturday, November 13, 2010

Family Photos

We have been pretty busy lately, and sadly, neglecting our blog! I thought I would post a few family photos we took at Hudson Gardens over the summer. Family photos are so important because kids grow so fast! Getting family portraits taken should be an annual tradition to document your life together. Many people take family photos in the fall to have them ready for holiday cards or as personalized holiday gifts. But, family photos can be taken any time of year! With high school kids, it is tough to get everybody in the same room at the same time. Schedule family portraits for over winter break, when the kids are out of school and they have more time! Let them show off that new Christmas sweater!

Tips for great family portraits:

1. Choose a photographer that you are comfortable with, it will make the process more fun!
2. Choose a location that is either important to your family or symbolic of where you live. Portraits can be taken almost anywhere! You are no longer limited to the confines of an indoor studio!
3. Colorado weather is unpredictable, but photographs well. There is no rule saying you cannot take family portraits in the snow!
4. Let the kids be involved in the planning process by helping choose a location or their clothes.
5. If clothing is difficult to compromise on with kids or teenagers, plan an outfit change. Take some photos in what you want them to wear, then some in the clothing they choose.
6. Keep dress and props simple. Then you will have more options for picture use. If you really want a themed picture for a specific reason, ask about outfit or location changes. Then you can take some photos in your Christmas clothes, Halloween costumes, etc. and some in everyday dress.
7. If the family dog is part of the family, find a photographer that lets you bring him!
8. Ask your photographer's opinion about time of day to shoot. Colorado has a unique outdoor light being so close to the sun. It makes for a very intense, high contrast light and there are better times during the day to shoot.
9. Think about color and how it photographs when choosing clothing and locations. Ask your photographer's opinion if you want help.
10. Know what you are going to do with your pictures so that you can find a package that is exactly what you want. Do you need them on CD? Do you want to order customized cards or calendars? Find out if your photographer does what you need or if they have connections to people who do.

11. HAVE FUN! And do not be afraid to laugh!

12. Back up your photos, either electronically or by filing some away somewhere for safe keeping.
13. Print your photos! How many of us have hundreds of photos saved to a computer that we never look at? Print them or get them printed and hang them up, even if it is just with a push pin at the office.

14. Enjoy your photographs!